Tactile Audio/Video. Levitator Aircraft/Spacecraft. Tactile Art.
Tactile Music. Tactile Telephone. Teleportation. Time Travel.
All these inventions are in the process of getting manufacturers
in the Electronics and Aerospace industries to produce them for
public consumption.
Prototypes are in the laboratory and have been demonstrated.
These inventions have been evolving over a long time. There
has been limited production in the past with some sales. The
new prototypes have better performance, weigh a lot less, use
less power and cost less to manufacture.
Demonstrations are available through Entertainment Inventions-
The Show. A Free Sample Show is available at:-
There are more pictures at:-
Tactile Music & Sessions (Massage Like Artform):-
These Inventions are Interesting and Entertaining. They will
revolutionize the world.
How Wachspress, Inventor   415 596-6991   mail@auditac.com