Levitator Plan "Sounding-Micro"
"Sounding" is short for Plan to convert a small sounding rocket into
a Reusable Launch Vehicle by taking out the fuel tanks and rocket
engines and replacing them with batteries and levitators. "Micro" is
short for Plan to convert a micro airplane from an electric motor
driven propeller to levitator propulsion. "Micro" can be funded
quicker and for less cost than "Sounding", but since the primary
funding comes from the same source, the two project subcomponents
can synergize. A small geomagnetic flight vehicle, after demonstration
will be available for $75,000 the maximum smallest purchase in the
industry, so as to accelerate procurement and funding. Everyone will
become educated to designing and building levitators themselves.
They will design and build all their own aircraft and spacecraft levitator
systems. With immediate and future market opportunities, this could
trigger off trillions of dollars.
All proof of concepts have been demonstrated and a thrust to weight
of .08 is the highest performance released. The new prototype has
Launch Vehicle quality performance.
The new prototype uses the same core material, Magnetic Shield
http://www.magnetic-shield.com/   CO-NECTIC Permalloy(Fe-Ni)
.002 inch thick like the ITest you saw. It is rolled up and bonded with
Scotch MagicTape to form a thin wall cylinder 1/2 inch diameter by
2 inch long. It has a tether like the ITest 1/8 inch wide, .001 inch
thick, 2 inch long aluminum. It is powered by a 1 1/2 volt AA
battery with a 10 ohm resistor to reduce the current.
This is a launch vehicle quality performance geomagnetic levitator.
Having a winding like an off the shelf toroidal winding around the
core will raise the impedance of the propulsion unit. That would be
a lot more difficult to reproduce. This levitator can be cut with
scissors and assembled by hand in less than a day.
If you use a battery holder like the one you saw, then the aluminum
foil tether can be held in contact with the battery holder wires and
when the tether is released the geomagnetic levitator will free fly on
its own power supply (the power stored in the winding.)
This is the easiest geomagnetic levitator to build and test.
Time has been used to research new designs for the levitator, from the
best to the easiest to build. The new prototype design is the easiest to
build and test, less than a day. The easier it is for everybody to
reproduce a levitator the quicker things can happen.
All aerospace people interested in the Levitator want a live
demonstration in person of Launch Vehicle Quality Performance. All
proof of concept demonstrations have been given and all principles have
been documented showing there is something, that the technology is
real. What is being witheld is the expected launch quality demonstration
So far, there are no orders for this new prototype at it's going price of
$25,000.00 even though performance is guaranteed before payment is
expected:-Everybody wants to wait, see the demonstration and ask
more questions.
All demonstrations, documentation and information transferred so far with
the Levitator has been limited to a select group of top aerospace
people. This package of knowhow is a quasi trade secret.
Throughout the aerospace world people seem incapable of building
even simple levitators by hand themselves. They don't seem to be
able to find anyone to build one for them as a favor. To design and
build even a simple levitator from the patent and all the
other documentation and demonstrations presented still requires
administrative expenses, the cost of learning and the actual design
and fabrication involved. Given what it would cost them to have
one of their suppliers build even a simple levitator, my prices
are a real bargain. Everybody in the aerospace world seems to be
willing to wait for the next demonstration to see who is willing to
do something that would unleash everything.
It was important to have a simple design that was covered by the
claims of the patent so as to conceal future patent claims when they
would be needed. There are now solutions that would be covered
by a Patent Enclosure. A Patent Enclosure is a documentation release
that is covered by the patent but denies subsequent claims to anybody
including the patent holder. It is a clever low cost but sometimes risky
legal trick. I learned it from my patent attorney. It is important to
demonstrate with old claims and withold future claims where possible.
If there was a small RLV budget available (say $10,000,000) I would recommend that
there be 3 stages. The first stage should have 10 % of the total budget to learn how
to design and build 5 cm 5 gm motors cutting magnetic shielding foil and shaping
it with simple handtools. Starting simple and working up to a small 5 gm version of
the 10 kg motor that will be needed in the sounding rocket RLV. The second stage should
have 30 % of the total budget to develop and build a usable launch motor. The third stage
should have 60 % of the total budget to remove the rocket motor, fuel tank and
valves replacing them with the levitator motor, batteries, electronic motor
controller and rocket to levitator command converter.
The current controller needs the addition of software to convert rocket commands into
levitator commands. Everything is off the shelf except the levitator motor which would
be built by an actuator company for the rocket motor company. It would be the quickest,
easiest and least costly way to have a useful RLV.
You already have enough to carry this through without my help and without my
knowing how the project is developing. Demonstrations already given have shown
all the principles. Magnetic shielding material is easy to get, and simple hand
fabrication can deliver big performance.
How Wachspress, Inventor and Theorist