"Space Exploration As Entertainment"
Geomagnetic Levitator Launch Vehicles
available now with Audio & Video access
to Images From Outer Space.
Sponsors $50,000
Overview and Summary
1. Equipment Available
2. Distribution
3. Talent
Overview and Summary - The Space Launch industry has been successful
at launching satellites for Million Dollar customers. Small satellites are often
launched as secondary payloads when available. Micro scale launch services
do not exist. "Space Campers" can only wait for new NASA video. Space
Exploration can happen now and can be sold as Entertainment, and using
retained earnings can fund more ambitious projects.
1. Equipment Available - Complete manufacturing and operational services
for   Extreme High Altitude Suborbitals  are available now.
Bigger Geomagnetic Levitator Launch Vehicles can be made and operated
by various Aerospace contractors that are existing suppliers who have
helped in the development of the Geomagnetic Levitator technology.
2. Distribution - Shows can be through advertising to or
through popular Space Entertainment websites like, National Space
Society, Planetary Society or TV show distributors like NOVA, National
Geographic or Movie distributors like Imagine "Apollo 13" science fiction film
Star Wars, ILM, ET... Some celebrity performers have promoted space film,
IMAX and TV specials.
3. Talent - All propulsion, guidance and tracking has been developed
independent of the aerospace industry space launch and tracking facilities.
Ground Station and Launch Vehicle are highly portable. Research is self
funded and equipped to develop any required new resource.
Participation in this Space Program is open to the general public. LShow
"Space Exploration As Entertainment" episodes can be priced as low as $50.
How Wachspress   415 596-6991